
Island Dental

Teeth Extraction

What is Teeth Extraction

Tooth extraction is a short term methodology performed by a dental specialist. At times pulling teeth (eliminating a tooth totally from its spot in the jaw bone), might be important to safeguard or work on your dental well being.


Reason Of Tooth Extraction

A tooth is extracted due to many reasons. The knowledge of these reasons is very important to understand teeth extraction. Some of the reasons for tooth extraction are as under:

For Braces: Teeth are pulled to install the braces. In his procedure, one or few teeth are extracted for retainers and braces.

Saving Space: Tooth is pulled to save another tooth which do not have space to grow. If the teeth are not removed, there might appear swelling or infection in the teeth.

Decay and damage of a teeth: One of the reasons for pulling the teeth is its decay or damage due to long-standing disease. The teeth become useless so it is removed.

Pulling teeth due to chemotherapy:    Sometimes the tooth gets infected due to the chemotherapy. This leads to the infection of teeth. So the teeth are removed from being damaged due to the chemo.

Tooth Extraction Procedure

Before going for the tooth extraction, you might know the procedure for its removal. The extraction involved the following procedures.

A non-surgical method of tooth extraction

A basic tooth extraction includes the evacuation of a tooth that is noticeable in the mouth. This could mean eliminating a seriously harmed or rotted tooth, or eliminating teeth preceding getting supports. General dental specialists can do basic tooth extractions. At the point when you go through straightforward tooth extraction, you will get nearby sedation. What’s more, some dental experts utilize cognizant sedation for straightforward instances of pulling teeth.

The surgical method of tooth extraction

Careful tooth extraction is an activity by an oral specialist including evacuation of teeth that are not apparent in the mouth since they have not come in or on the grounds that the tooth has severed. People with extraordinary ailments might get general sedation when pulling teeth including a medical procedure. You may likewise get a solution torment prescription for utilizing following careful teeth-pulling systems.

What To Expect After Tooth Extraction

What happens after a tooth extraction is quite important as it is important to know as what to expect after tooth extraction. There might appear tooth extraction issue post-surgery or extraction.

Dry attachment:  happens in roughly 3-4% of teeth pulling cases. If blood coagulation neglects to shape in the opening in the wake of pulling teeth, or on the other hand if the blood coagulation severs too early, the basic bone is uncovered, making a dry attachment. This condition can be difficult and ought to be treated quickly with a sedated wrap to advance recuperating.

Other potential issues related to pulling teeth include:

Sore Jaw: Your jaw might be sore because of sedation or the strain of keeping your mouth open during the methodology.

Numbness of  Lips and Chin: If the justification for pulling teeth was the evacuation of lower intelligence teeth, your lower lip or jawline might be numb for quite a long time if a nerve around there (the sub-par alveolar nerve) was damaged.

Disease: Infection is consistently a chance subsequent to pulling teeth, however, it is far-fetched in people who have solid resistant frameworks.

Care After Tooth Extraction

You have to take care of your teeth after extraction. You need to know the above after-effects to better manage your teeth. These after-effects will prepare you for the upcoming pain management procedure. Following are some precautions which you need to take after tooth extraction.

Soft Food Eating:      Stick basically to fluids until any sedation wears off, and afterwards limit your eating routine to delicate food varieties for the initial not many days after tooth extraction.

Taking care of your teeth: Try not to clean the teeth quickly close to the space of tooth extraction on a principal day after the method, however, clean the remainder of your teeth. Two days after a tooth extraction, return to a decent oral consideration schedule.

An overall tooth extraction should be done carefully and it should opt with care. Moreover, post tooth extraction, care must be done to avoid any further issues. Our tooth extortion dentists per from their work in a professional way and you will get the required results. So contact us for tooth pulling at Anacortes.

“I cannot say enough positive things about this staff! I am an extremely bad patient. My mouth has a hard time going numb and I have a lot of dental trauma. Dr. Greenhalgh was beyond amazing! I had a tooth extracted yesterday and when the novocaine wore off I was in a ton of pain. I took one Tylenol and within minutes the pain was completely gone. Woke up today no pain!  I’m not gonna say I’m excited to go to the dentist, but I’ll go see Dr. Greenhalgh without hesitation! Deepest gratitude to Sierra, she is exactly where she ought to be. I credit her for her ability to calm me down. Her presence made all the difference in my experience! Thank you!” – Dee C.


“The staff and quality of work at Fidalgo Island Dental are exceptional. Each staff member has provided me with kind, caring and competent service over the last year. I will be a patient here for years to come.” – Kim W.


“I switched to this dentist office a year ago or so after my long time dental office got a different dentist, and it has been a good move. Dr. Greenhalgh and Katie have been great. They’re very gentle and attentive to any issues or special needs you have. Highly recommend.” – Kerry H.
