
Island Dental


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How can we protect our teeth?

There are many ways to take care of your teeth. Amongst many ways, some are the mostly used and easily practicable methods. These methods have been discussed in the below paragraphs so that you can practice them in your daily life for better health of your teeth. Following paragraphs will show the benefits of keeping your teeth free from any disease.

Your teeth are your wealth. Keeping them clean healthy gives you the source of happiness and free from tensions. So you can enjoy your food and beverages in a great way if you have protected teeth. Consult with your dental physician regularly for early diagnosis and treat any irregularity.

Make Teeth Last a Lifetime:

Modern dentistry makes it possible to keep your teeth healthy thorough out your life. It’s important to brush your teeth twice per day both morning and before going to bed. Brushing before bed prevents food particles and bacteria from harming teeth and gums while you sleep. You wake with fresher breath and fewer dental problems over time.

Good dental health with strong teeth and healthy gums can lengthen your life. Scientific studies have shown men and women with 20 teeth or more at 70 years of age have a greater chance of living longer.

Modern dentistry makes it possible to keep your teeth healthy thorough out your life. It’s important to brush your teeth twice per day both morning and before going to bed. Brushing before bed prevents food particles and bacteria from harming teeth and gums while you sleep. You wake with fresher breath and fewer dental problems over time.

Good dental health with strong teeth and healthy gums can lengthen your life. Scientific studies have shown men and women with 20 teeth or more at 70 years of age have a greater chance of living longer.

This simple truth is healthy teeth and gums are a vital part of your good health. Tooth decay, gum problems, and other issues are easily preventable with regular visits to the dentist. Plan on scheduling a checkup every 6 months to detect possible problems before they become worse.

Reduce the risk of disease:

Food particles and bacteria work to damage teeth and gums. It’s important to floss once each day to remove food that gets caught between teeth and down in gums. Use an over the counter mouth rinse. Rinse your mouth before bed to help eliminate harmful bacteria. This will go a long way in helping to prevent cavities, gum disease, and other issues.

Poor dental health can eventual affect the circulatory system causing possible damage to the heart. Just one more reason why taking a few minutes each day to ensure good dental hygiene is an essential part of maintaining better health and wellness.

Reducing the cancer and dementia:

By keeping our teeth and gums sound we are bound to decrease our danger of specific malignant growths, especially in ladies, just as certain types of dementia.

New exploration, which inspected information from 65,000 post-menopausal ladies between the ages of 54 and 86, observed those with a background marked by gum illness were 14% bound to foster disease. Of these, one of every three created bosom malignancy while there was likewise an exceptionally expanded danger of cellular breakdown in the lungs, oesophageal, nerve bladder and skin tumors.

The individuals who have sound gums are likewise 70% more averse to foster Alzheimer’s sickness than the people who have experienced gum illness throughout an extensive stretch of time.

Dental Health for Pregnant Mothers:
Good dental health has been shown to decrease the likelihood of having a premature birth or low birth weight. Women with gum disease had a higher incidence of delivering before 35 weeks. It’s never too late to have a dental checkup and start correcting teeth and gum issues. You owe it to yourself and the figure of your baby to make sure teeth and gums are healthy.
Enjoy a Beautiful Smile:

Healthy teeth and gums give both women and men a beautiful smile and greater self confidence. Good gum health can prevent unpleasant breath. This can lead to improved intimacy and satisfaction in life.

A dental cleaning can eliminate plaque and buildup to freshen breath and create healthy teeth with less irritation to gums.

Many patients are concerned with srained teeth caused by smoking, coffee, and other conditions. Some over the counter whitening products can be of help. More serious conditions can be addressed by our dental staff. Get the clean, white, attractive teeth you want for a great look in the mirror.

Consequences of not keeping the teeth clean:

If someone does not take care of one’s teeth, many consequences may appear. These consequences may impact in long term or they may impact instantly. Some of the consequences have been discussed as under.

While the aggravation of toothache is frequently enough to send us hurrying right into it, it can here and there arrive too behind schedule harm for a bigger scope could as of now be going on.

Many specialists consider the teeth and mouth to be a key to our overall wellbeing – a sort of analytic framework. Simply a swab of our salivation can in some cases educate an incredible arrangement regarding our overall wellbeing, and give cautioning of the presence of fundamental illness. Set up joins interface rotting teeth, and the gum infection they can cause, with numerous sicknesses.

Some consequences are: tooth rot and tooth breakage, gum illness and bone breakage, heart and respiratory illness, initialization of diabetes, strokes, osteoporosis, expanded possibility of oral malignant growth, intense subject matters, including brought down certainty and confidence and shame.

How to Keep Teeth Healthy:

Start today to create healthier, cleaner conditions for your teeth and gums. Gently brush with a soft brush. Brush twice each day for 2 minutes. Make sure you brush before going to bed.

Avoid sugar filled and acidic foods that can damage teeth and gums. This can help reduce decay, plaque, and microorganisms that cause damage. Also stop smoking and reduce the use of tobacco products. This can help improve the look of teeth and gum health.

Make sure to schedule regular dental checkups. We most often see serious problems when people neglect going to the desist for long periods of time. We can make your dental visit comfortable, non-stressful, and affordable. Our team works hard to make dental health a positive and pain free experience you will want to repeat again in the future.

Protect Your Teeth

Practicable Methods

BRUsh Your Teeth

BRUsh Your Teeth

Taking care of your teeth and gums is an important activity you can fit into just a few minutes each day. It’s important to brush teeth in the morning and again before going to bed. A fluoride toothpaste can help strengthen teeth.

Floss Your Teeth

Floss Your Teeth

When individuals lose their teeth, it’s often due to poor gum health that has persisted for years. Floss teeth at least once per day to remove food particles brushing can’t reach. Flossing will help strengthen gums to prevent bleeding and unpleasant breath.

Balance Your Diet

Balance Your Diet

Eat a well balanced diet. Try to eliminate some high sugar foods and drinks. Enjoy more vegetables and fruits that can provide better nutrition and often be good for strong, healthy teeth and gums. It’s also a good to limit smoking.

Visit FID Regularly

Visit FID Regularly

Visit Fidalgo Island Dental regularly to detect potential problems early. Scheduling an appointment every 6 months can prevent pain, cavities, root canals, and other major procedures later on.