
Island Dental

Dental Veneers

What is Dental Veneers

Every individual desires to look good and attractive. Teeth play central role in beauty and appearance of an individual. Teeth veneers are exactly used for this purpose – to enhance the beauty of your teeth. The dental veneers are the shells which cover the front part of teeth in order to protect it from any damage. The veneers are used for the teeth changing their size, color and appearance.


Why Dental Veneers are used?

There are different reasons due to which dental veneers are used. Some of the reasons are as under:

1-  Teeth that are stained as a result of:

  • root trench treatment
  • Stains from antibiotic medication or different medications
  • Extreme fluoride
  • Huge gum fillings

2-   Teeth that are worn out

3-   Teeth that are chipped or broken

4-   Teeth that are skewed, lopsided, or unpredictably molded (for instance, have pits or lumps in them)

5-   Teeth with holes between them (to close the space between these teeth)

Types Of Dental Veneers

There are different types of dental veneers used for the teeth. Dental veneer can be produced using porcelain or from sap composite materials. Porcelain facade oppose stains better compared to sap facade. They additionally better copy the light-reflecting properties of normal teeth. You should talk about the most ideal decision of facade material for you with your dental specialist.


Dental veneers are most usually made out of porcelain. Applying customary dental veneers requires more serious prep work contrasted with options that are now and then called “no-prep facade.” These no-prep facade — which incorporate choices like Lumineers and Vivaneeres — take less time and are less obtrusive to apply.


Applying customary dental veneer commonly includes crushing down the tooth structure, once in a while eliminating a portion of the tooth even past the lacquer. This takes into account appropriate situation, but on the other hand an irreversible system can be excruciating to go through and frequently requires a nearby sedative.


No-prep veneer, then again, may require some tooth arrangement or adjustment, yet these changes are insignificant. Rather than eliminating layers of tooth under the finish, no-prep veneer just influence the polish. As a rule, no-prep facade don’t need nearby sedatives.

Veneer aren’t as old as inserts or crowns. veneer cover the front surface of the tooth. Inserts, then again, supplant the whole tooth. Crowns additionally encase the whole tooth, while veneer just cover the front surface of the tooth (which is noticeable with a grin).

Taking Care After Dental Veneer

After application of dental veneer, it is important to take the teeth for protecting it from any adverse impact. In contrast to other dental techniques, the recuperation interaction doesn’t take a lengthy measure of time. All things considered, when the veneer are solidified on and any sedatives wear off, you can eat and bite as you typically would. While the sedative is wearing off, be aware of not biting on your cheeks or tongue.

Now and again, following the veneer are applied, you might see that they feel somewhat unpleasant. These unpleasant spots (for the most part from additional concrete that can stick to the facade) wear out following a few days of ordinary eating and teeth cleaning; if they don’t, your dental specialist can streamline them.

Safety Measures

Conventional porcelain facade ordinarily last somewhere in the range of 10 and 15 years, and no-prep facade last around 5 to 7 years. Playing it safe can assist with ensuring that you get the longest life expectancy out of them conceivable. These safety measures include:

  • Try not to bite on hard items like pens, ice, or your finger nails.
  • Never utilize your teeth to open bundling or fixing bundles.
  • Make an effort not to bite with your front teeth. Eat harder food sources with your back teeth just; cut up hard food varieties like chocolate bars so this is conceivable.
  • On the off chance that you grate or hold your teeth around evening time, get a support or retainer to ensure your facade.
  • In the case of playing sports, you should wear a mouth watch.

Dental veneers are quite important to manage the deterioration of your teeth and keep them in better shape. The veneer saves you teeth from any future damage. Contact us for long lasting and effective dental veneer.