
Island Dental


What is a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are used to save already damaged teeth and put a cap over their structure. This cap or crown saves the teeth from any further decay. The teeth crowns are installed by the specialist dentists to save the teeth from further damage.

Dental crowns are covers put on top of harmed teeth. Crowns are utilized to secure, cover and reestablish the state of your teeth when fillings don’t take care of the issue. Dental crowns can be made out of metals, porcelain, gum and earthenware production. They commonly don’t need unique consideration over the long haul other than ordinary great oral cleanliness.

With time and less care, your teeth can get harmed. This can occur for many different reasons, similar to tooth rot, wounds or simply use over the long haul. Your teeth can lose their shape or size. Dental crowns are tooth-formed “covers” that can be put over your tooth. Consider it like a cozy cap for your tooth. The crown reestablishes the tooth’s shape, size, strength and appearance.

The dental crown is established into place on your tooth and it covers the apparent piece of the tooth.

Dr. Greenhalgh is able to care for all your general dentist needs, helping you to continue or re-establish good oral health. His strength is helping you to understand your short and long term comprehensive dental health needs and expectations, as well as treating you to obtain those goals.

Different Structures

Dental crowns have different structures and they are made of different materials. These materials can be opted by your dental surgeon as per suitability of your teeth structure. Following are some main materials which are used for dental crowns. These materials can be permanent and suitable to your teeth.


There are a few metals that can be utilized in dental crowns, including gold, palladium, nickel and chromium. Metal crowns once in a while chip or break, last the longest as far as wear out and just require a limited quantity of your tooth to be eliminated. They can likewise withstand gnawing and biting powers. The metallic tone is the principle downside of this sort of crown. Metal crowns are a decent decision for far away molars.


This kind of dental crown can be coordinated to the shade of the teeth that is close to the crown. They have a more normal tooth tone. Be that as it may, now and again the metal under the crown’s porcelain cap appears through as a dim line. Different cons incorporate the shot at the crown’s porcelain segment chipping or severing and the crown wearing out the teeth inverse it inside the mouth. This wear on different teeth explicitly influences the teeth that come into contact with the crown on the top and lower part of your mouth when it’s shut. Porcelain-melded to-metal dental crowns can be a decent decision for front or back teeth.


Dental crowns made out of gum are for the most part more affordable than other crown types. In any case, they wear out over the long run and are bound to break than porcelain-combined to-metal crowns.

All-ceramic or all-porcelain

These sorts of dental crowns give the best regular shading match contrasted with some other crown type. They’re additionally a decent decision if you have metal sensitivities. Notwithstanding, they aren’t quite so solid as porcelain-combined to-metal crowns. They can likewise wear out the teeth inverse them in the mouth somewhat more than metal or pitch crowns. All-ceramic crowns are a decent decision for front teeth.

Pressed ceramic

Squeezed earthenware dental crowns supplant the metal liner that is utilized in the all-fired crown-production process. Squeezed fired crowns are covered with porcelain, which gives the best normal shading match. They’re likewise more enduring than an all-porcelain crown.

A delegated tooth needn’t bother with any uncommon consideration. Be that as it may, the hidden tooth actually should be shielded from rot or gum sickness. Along these lines, you should keep on after great oral cleanliness rehearses. These practices incorporate cleaning your teeth two times every day and flossing one time per day — particularly around the crown region where the gum meets your tooth. Additionally, try not to chomp on hard surfaces with porcelain crowns (for instance, biting ice or popcorn frames) to forestall breaking the porcelain.


Had two teeth prepped for crowns and he took his time administering the local anesthetic, which really helped take the pain out of it. I was so relaxed I dozed off during part of the prep work.
The staff and quality of work at Fidalgo Island Dental are exceptional. Each staff member has provided me with kind, caring and competent service over the last year. I will be a patient here for years to come.
Kim Y. W.
Dr. Greenhalgh is outstanding. He is very gentle, explained everything he was doing during my filling - during which I never had any pain - and he and his staff Sierra, Rhonda, and Michelle - are also extraordinary. I am thrilled to make this my new dental office.
This is a great dental practice. Dr. Greenhalgh and his staff are amazing. I had a cracked crown and was a new patient and they got me in so fast. They are super friendly and accommodating I’d recommend them to anybody Great experience glad I chose them
Suzy I.